Springfield Ghost SocietyParanormal Research Investigators, Springfield, IL
Springfield Ghost Society Investigation - November 9, 2024 Investigators - Debbie, Denise, Craig, Roger History of things happening: Well I just moved here in March but before that things were still happening which is why I believe that whatever it is has either attached to me or something I own and must have brought with me. It’s gotten more noticeable since myself and my partner moved here. I seem to wake up almost every night sometime between 3 and 4 in the morning which wouldn’t be that remarkable in and of itself but it’s more the way I wake up. It’s usually covered in a cold sweat and feeling panicked like someone had just been yelling in my ear a second before. There’s like an echoing ringing sound which makes waking up very abrupt. It’s made it hard to want to sleep so I end up going to bed later hoping I’ll actually be able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I also have been noticing a single gnat that keeps flying around my face that my partner swears she never sees. I’ve also noticed that when I’m alone or at work sometimes even I noticed that I’m starting to hear whispering that sounds like it’s coming from another room but when I go to investigate there’s either no one there or I ask my partner if she said something and she never does. I just feel like a pressure. And lately I’ve been having emotional spikes and I noticed it’s been happening usually right around the time I get home but not solely at home. It happens at work and I have the most boring job ever so it really doesn’t make sense. I believe it’s been going on for years tho, because of a poor choice I made without knowing the potential consequences. I made a deal with something which is an issue no matter how you spin it but the thing is, I don’t know what it is I made a deal with. So I need to figure that out and I need to know if it’s still in effect so I can cut it off if possible.
We arrived around 8:00pm for this investigation. The client met us at the door and invited us into his home. Present with the client was a friend and his girl. His girl spent the whole time in a back room, we did not investigate in that room. The client and friend was present for the investigation. During the investigation we did get unusual emf readings around the perimeter of the master bedroom bathroom door. After a few minutes the readings disappeared and never returned. The client has several cats and none of them seemed to be bothered by anything unseen while we were there. The client said a couple of the cats will sit and watch something she can't see. During our investigation we heard what sounded like knocks. It was raining and cool that night so it's possible it was weather related. Craig used a spirit box during an evp session in the living room area. Some of the responses were interesting. Some of our findings: Craig: evps: 1,2,3,4 excerpt slowed - did they say it, 5, 6, 7 possible voice or someones stomach,8 bathroom where the cats play,9 might be Roger,10,11 Roger: evps: 1 sound at 11 sec, 2 sound at 14 sec, 3 possible sound hard to hear. Debbie: Didn't get any evidence. Two weeks later I brought Jenny by the house. Jenny can see and communicate with the spirits. While we were there she connected with a lady by the name of Mavis. She seemed to be the guardian over the client and tried to protect her from a large dark shadow type spirit that had attached to the client in a previous location. This dark spirit wants to control the client and likes to cause rage in the client to feed off his energy. We suggested the client take control over his feelings and refuse to give this dark spirit his energy. Eventually the dark spirit will go elsewhere looking for a willing soul. I spoke with the client about a month after the investigation and he said he is doing better and the dark spirit seems to be quieter but does still try to enrage him. The client is working hard to resist. I want to thank the client for having us investigate and we will always be willing to investigate again if need be.
Debbie Lowery/Founder Springfield Ghost Society 217-414-4678 www.springfieldghostsociety.com
© by Debbie Lowery, All Rights Reserved